Auction Details
1 Day Firearms-Hunting-Shooting-Fishing-Ammunition-Archery-Related Accessories
We are always accepting consignment items for upcoming auctions. Located in Burford, ON, Canada.
We are now accepting e-transfers for payment but you must have a credit card on file to sign up.
If you choose to pay by e-transfer send payment to
and include your buyer/paddle # in the message portion.
If you are bidding on items that don't require a PAL please use 00000000.
RCMP now requires a PAL to purchase Firearms, Ammunition, Magazines, Powder, Barrels and Gun-slides.
Photos of PAL & Driver's License must be emailed to us before firearms will be shipped.
Please note that items brought in that are broken,torn,dirty and non functioning -anything deemed not sellable or items that do not sell will be disposed of by us.
Auction items coming soon!This auction's items are not yet available to view online.
They will be listed here as soon as they are ready.