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2 Day Firearms-Hunting-Shooting-Fishing-Ammunition-Related Accessories
We are always accepting consignment items for upcoming auctions. Located in Burford, ON, Canada.
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If you are bidding on items that don't require a PAL please use 00000000.
RCMP now requires a PAL to purchase Firearms, Ammunition, Magazines, Powder and starting September 1, 2024 also Barrels and Gun-slides.So items purchased that need to be shipped or picked up after Sept 1 will be affected.
Photos of PAL & Driver's License must be emailed to us before firearms will be shipped.
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1470 - 26 Rounds Mixed 12 Gauge AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
7 rds. Remington #8 shot
3 rds. Challenger #7 1/2 shot
9 rds. Winchester #6 shot
4 rds. Winchester #2 shot
1 rd. Imperial #6 shot
1 rd. Canuck
1 rd. F
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to n******8 for (10.00 + 1.50BP) = 11.50