4084 - Box Lot PelletsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
2 open packages of .177 pellets, approximately 600 pieces, 1 open package of BBs and a Bushnell Sportview 4x15mm air/rimfire scope with rings missing
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F******R for (18.00 + 2.70BP) = 20.70
4087 - Pettibone SwordLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Ornate sword and scabbard. FCB is labeled on the casting. Blade is 30" long and 3/4" wide at the hilt.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K********e.. for (85.00 + 12.75BP) = 97.75
4090 - Box Lot Books & Hunting MapsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Map of Perrault Lake , Lac Seul, and Dryden, Ontario in plastic case.
Map of Capreol.
Map of Ear Falls.
Map of Wabaskang Lake.
Map of Milnet, On
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K********2 for (65.00 + 9.75BP) = 74.75
4093 - Box Lot BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
5 copies of Gun Digest, 1977, 1974, 1983, 1984 & 1981, Bear Archery magazine 1968, and Arms Collecting magazine volume 36 No. 4.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to k****S for (2.00 + 0.30BP) = 2.30