3486 - 60 Rounds 243 WIN AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
40 rounds Remington high velocity 243 Win 80gr pointed soft point ammunition.
20 rounds Federal premium 243 Win 70gr Nosler ballistic tip ammunition.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*******1 for (65.00 + 9.75BP) = 74.75
3487 - 60 Rounds 243 Win AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
20 rounds Hornady Frontier 243 Win 100gr boat tail spire point interlock ammunition.
20 rounds Winchester Supreme 243 Win 55gr ballistic Silvertip amm
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to W**********r for (70.00 + 10.50BP) = 80.50
3496 - 31 Rounds 6.5x55 AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
20 rounds Hornady Light Magnum 6.5x55 129gr SP interlock ammunition.
11 rounds Lapua 6.5x55 155gr soft point ammunition.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to r*******k for (47.50 + 7.13BP) = 54.63