3505 - 41 Rounds 308 Win AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
11 rounds Norma 308 Win 150gr semi point ammunition.
20 rounds Imperial 308 Win RN ammunition.
10 rounds Winchester 308 Win Silvertip ammunition.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to a*******a for (47.50 + 7.13BP) = 54.63
3509 - 40 Rounds 44 Rem Mag AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
20 rounds Federal Classic 44 Rem Mag 240gr Hi-shok jacketed hollow point ammunition.
20 rounds Winchester Supreme 44 Rem Mag 250gr partition gold ammu
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p**********G for (60.00 + 9.00BP) = 69.00