Auction Details
1 Day Firearms-Hunting-Shooting-Fishing-Ammunition-Archery-Related Accessories
We are always accepting consignment items for upcoming auctions. Located in Burford, ON, Canada.
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If you are bidding on items that don't require a PAL please use 00000000.
RCMP now requires a PAL to purchase Firearms, Ammunition, Magazines, Powder, Barrels and Gun-slides.
Photos of PAL & Driver's License must be emailed to us before firearms will be shipped.
Please note that items brought in that are broken,torn,dirty and non functioning -anything deemed not sellable or items that do not sell will be disposed of by us.
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4435 - Box Lot AccessoriesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
scope sleeve
scope covers
Box call chalk
RCBS bullet puller
Code Blue mare moose scent- in sealed packaging
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to k*******s for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
4442 - Box Lot Knives/MultitoolsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
6" blade curved knife w/ sheath
2 small multi tools
Smith & Wesson knife 3" length
small hatchet
small screwdriver
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S*******a for (30.00 + 4.50BP) = 34.50