464 - Cooey Model 84 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, break action, 16 gauge 2-3/4 chamber, 30" barrel fixed full choke, SN 58130. The wood is in fair condition with some finish wor...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B********p.. for (170.00 + 25.50BP) = 195.50
465 - Stevens Model 77C ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, pump action, 20 gauge 2-3/4" chamber, 28" barrel with fixed modified choke, SN 1216792. The wood and checkering is in good...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to D*****3 for (160.00 + 24.00BP) = 184.00
466 - Excel ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, break action, 16 gauge 2-3/4 chamber, 30" barrel full fixed choke, SN 97700. The wood is in fair condition with a crack and chi...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s********0 for (95.00 + 14.25BP) = 109.25
467 - CIL Model 420 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, break action, 12 gauge 2-3/4 chamber, 30" fixed full choke, SN 461557. The wood is has some dents and finish is worn in places....
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to l******2 for (80.00 + 12.00BP) = 92.00
468 - Cooey Model 840 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, break action, 16 gauge 2-3/4 " chamber, 30" barrel fixed full choke, SN 158838. The wood has some scratches and dents. The...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M********r for (140.00 + 21.00BP) = 161.00
469 - Topper Model 48 ShotgunLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, break action, 410 caliber 2-3/4" chamber, 28" fixed full choke barrel, SN 25788. The wood has some small dents and scratch...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p*******n for (150.00 + 22.50BP) = 172.50
472 - Charter arms AR 7 Explorer RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted. semi-auto, .22 long rifle rimfire, 16" barrel, SN A80914. The plastic stock has some scratches and dents. The finish on the rec...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B******2 for (210.00 + 31.50BP) = 241.50
473 - Cooey Model 64B RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, semi-automatic, .22 caliber long rifle rim fire, 20" barrel, SN CA065807. The wood finish is worn and coming off of the stock. ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G******s for (140.00 + 21.00BP) = 161.00
476 - J C Higgins Model 44DL RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, lever action, .22 S, L, LR, rimfire, 22" barrel, SN 888526. The wood has some scratches and dents. The finish is fair. The blui...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s*******o for (275.00 + 41.25BP) = 316.25
479 - Remington Model 12 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, pump action, .22 caliber S, L, LR, rim fire, 21" barrel, SN 664509. The wood is in good condition with a small crack at the rec...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to S******g for (375.00 + 56.25BP) = 431.25
480 - Remington Mohawk 10CLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, semi-automatic, .22 LR. rim fire, 19" barrel, SN 2250102. The stock is in good condition. The bluing is good and the bore is ve...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to t**t for (325.00 + 48.75BP) = 373.75
481 - Norinco JW - 14 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, semi-automatic, .22 caliber LR. rimfire, 20.5" barrel, SN 9512075. The wood appears to have been refinished. The bluing is good...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J******m for (170.00 + 25.50BP) = 195.50
482 - Marlin Model 80 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, bolt action repeater, .22 caliber S, L, LR, rimfire, 24" barrel, SN none. The wood has some scratches and dents and the finish ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d****r for (140.00 + 21.00BP) = 161.00
483 - Taico Squires Bingham Model 16 RifleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Non-restricted, semi-automatic, .22 caliber LR rim fire, 18" barrel, SN 435478. The stock has been painted black and is chipping off in places....
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F********v.. for (230.00 + 34.50BP) = 264.50