3540 - 31 Rounds .308 AmmunitionLandsborough Auctions Ltd
17 rounds of Winchester Supreme Black Talon 180gr FST steel cased.
14 rounds of Federal .308 180gr Nosler Partition bullet ammunition.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to n******6 for (85.00 + 12.75BP) = 97.75
3544 - Browning Midas 2 Fly ReelLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Fly Reel in good used condition with line of unknown quality. Appears to work as intended. Small blemish in the finish on one side.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G****s for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
3548 - Box Lot Archery AccessoriesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Orange RazorBak 5 case containing 3 3-blade broadheads, 3 field points, and a pin-like tool.
Vintage Bear Archery camouflage compound bow case in ori
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R********o for (11.00 + 1.65BP) = 12.65
3549 - Box Lot CallsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Remington Game Calls All-in-One deer call in unopened package.
Remington Game Calls Fawn Bawl in unopened package.
Quaker Boy Easy Yelper turkey box c
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to T*******0 for (15.00 + 2.25BP) = 17.25
3551 - Box Lot Hunting & ShootingLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Unopened 47" x 144" Eastman field cover ground blind.
1 pairs of new Sportsman lightweight knit mitts with rubber bead grip.
14" Mast...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to n********r.. for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
3553 - Box Lot Muzzle Loading Landsborough Auctions Ltd
13 pieces Hornady 50 caliber sabots and slugs 45-300gr SST/ML.
3 Butler Creek Speed Loader plastic powder vials.
2" Butler Creek powder funnel....
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to 1*****t for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
3554 - Box Lot Black Powder AccessoriesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Part bottle of Hogdon Tripple Se7en muzzle loading propellant bottle and contents weigh 10.5 oz.
Powder horn. 12" Real Horn with wooden ends an...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R*******s for (65.00 + 9.75BP) = 74.75
3555 - Box Lot .308 Reloading ComponentsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
215 pieces of mixed .308 brass fired and unprimed.
146 pieces of Sierra #2130 150gr .308 Spitzer bullets.
78 pieces of Sierra #2120 125gr .308 Spitzer
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p****e for (75.00 + 11.25BP) = 86.25