4138 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
King stone collections folding knife with picture of a deer on knife. Blade length is 3.5" and is 440SS.
Folding knife with picture of John Dee...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to d********7 for (32.50 + 4.88BP) = 37.38
4139 - Box Lot Folding KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Folding knife with picture of deer. Stainless blade is 3"
Folding knife with picture of deer in winter. Stainless lade is 3".
Wildlife col...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H********4 for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
4140 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Harley Davidson Motor Cycles FLSTF fat boy folding knife HD5 1:42 scale die-cast. Stainless blade is 2.5".
Folding knife with picture of a buck...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H********y for (17.00 + 2.55BP) = 19.55
4141 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Fixed triangle balde knife with eagle design and leather sheath. Stainless blade is 4.5".
True edge folding knife. Stainless blade is 3.5"...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to H********y for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
4142 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Hi-Cut wooden handle hunting knife with leather sheath. Stainless blade is 5".
Hunting knife with leather sheath and sharpening stone. Blade is...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to F********y for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
4143 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Tramontina hunting knife with sheath and 5.5" blade.
Kershaw 2314 hunting knife with leather sheath and 3" blade.
Folding knife. Stainless...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to 0*****0 for (13.00 + 1.95BP) = 14.95
4144 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Shimano hunting knife and sheath with 5.75" blade.
The Best Defense hunting knife and leather sheath with 440SS 6" blade.
Orange camo fold...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to P******y for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
4145 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Buckmasters knife set with leather sheath. Blades are 3.5" and 3.75".
Fixed blade with wooden handle and leather sheath. Stainless blade i...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to C******6 for (16.00 + 2.40BP) = 18.40
4146 - Box Lot KnivesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Tramontina hunting knife with leather sheath and 5" blade. Made in Brasil.
Ruko hunting knife with leather sheath and 440SS 3.75" blade. M...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to l*****0 for (17.00 + 2.55BP) = 19.55