7410 - Box Lot Paper TargetsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Approximately 15 pieces 8.5" x 11" 20 yard .22 sporting rifle targets.
Approximately 15 pieces 12" x 18" B.R.S.C official hunter...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to B*****t for (20.00 + 3.00BP) = 23.00
7424 - Box Lot Reloading Powder Landsborough Auctions Ltd
.95lbs Hercules Hercules 2400.
1.15lbs Hercules Unique.
.95lbs Hercules Bullseye.
Weights Include Container
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to r****p for (75.00 + 11.25BP) = 86.25
7446 - Box Lot Books Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Ammunition with Arabic Markings.
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ammunition.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to l*********2 for (25.00 + 3.75BP) = 28.75
7476 - Box Lot Browning Advertising Landsborough Auctions Ltd
1984 & 85 Browning wholesale catalogue.
Auto-5 Sweet Sixteen news bulletin and picture.
Other Browning catalogue clippings.
Small Browning am...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to D********o for (2.00 + 0.30BP) = 2.30
7488 - Box Lot 22LR Ammunition Landsborough Auctions Ltd
250 rounds Federal Lightning high velocity lead round nose.
250 rounds Remington high velocity lead round nose.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to i****t for (40.00 + 6.00BP) = 46.00
7490 - Box Lot Cleaning Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Small bore rifle cleaning kit.
Wooden shotgun cleaning rod.
Tico tool shotgun cleaner and oiler.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s*****U for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88
7491 - Box Lot Magazines Landsborough Auctions Ltd
20 assorted issues "Shooting Times" 1982-2001.
1 Calibre magazine.
1 Rifle Firepower.
1 Gun World.
1 Rifle Shooter.
2 Guns.
12 Shooti...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to r******K for (3.00 + 0.45BP) = 3.45