2031 - Box Lot Vintage BinocularsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Siam Cat Optics Focal 7 x TO15 x 35 made in Japan with tripod attachment. Light scuffs and marks on the glass and body. No case or lens caps.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b*****2 for (16.00 + 2.40BP) = 18.40
2036 - Box Lot PicturesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Duck painting by S. Yacyshyn "88"- 25"W x 21"H
Remington w/ Lab pups picture- 29"W x 22"H
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to R******c for (11.00 + 1.10BP) = 12.10