3878 - Box Lot Target Shooting AccessoriesLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Cap with side flaps.
10-x left-handed shooting glove.
2 prone slings.
Knobloch shooting glasses in case.
Set of rubber target shooters coat patches.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to I*****k for (95.00 + 14.25BP) = 109.25
3882 - WWI Brass BugleLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Issued to 186th Battalion in 1917 to Goldwyn West at age of 14. Stamped R.S. Williams & Sons Limited Toronto.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to 1*****t for (120.00 + 18.00BP) = 138.00
3883 - WWII Matchbox Landsborough Auctions Ltd
Stated to be made by servicemen. Winter scene with fawn and cardinal. Brought back from London, England 1944. Contains matches.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to G*****s for (4.00 + 0.60BP) = 4.60
3889 - Box Lot Swagger SticksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
28" black 28" swagger stick The Kent Regiment Usque Ad Aras.
24" brown leather 24" swagger stick without identification markings...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to o****n for (35.00 + 5.25BP) = 40.25
3893 - Box Lot Military ManualsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Introduction to the Study of Military History for Canadian Students 6th edition.
Canadian Infantry Association Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 1966.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to J*********g for (2.00 + 0.30BP) = 2.30
3895 - Vintage Military BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
"Dear Mabel, Love Letters of a Rookie" by E. Streeter 1918.
"That's me all over, Mabel" by E. Streeter 1919.
More Cuties in ...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to X**y for (4.00 + 0.60BP) = 4.60