1992 - Box Lot Gun BooksLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Pistols of the World, Revised Edition.
Pistol and Revolver Digest.
The Gun Digest Book of the 1911.
The Gun Digest Book of the 1911 Volume 2.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to n********k for (13.00 + 1.95BP) = 14.95
1993 - Excalibur Matrix 380 Crossbow Landsborough Auctions Ltd
This crossbow comes as a complete kit and is in excellent condition, included are the following:
1. The trigger has been updated to a Trigger Tech fri
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to W********r.. for (700.00 + 105.00BP) = 805.00
1995 - Lee Bullet MoldsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Lee bullet mold for .285, 140gr, 7mm.
Lee bullet mold for 600, 325gr, double cavity, round ball.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to W********r.. for (27.50 + 4.13BP) = 31.63
1996 - Lee Bullet MoldsLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Lee bullet mold for .429, 240gr, double cavity SWC.
Lee bullet mold for .452, 200gr, double cavity SWC.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to a*******n for (42.50 + 6.38BP) = 48.88
1997 - Box Lot Reloading & Cleaning KitLandsborough Auctions Ltd
Unknown brand lead dipper.
Lee bullet mold 535-RB 54 caliber round ball.
Brass bullet mold 69 caliber engraved S&S.
6.5x75 Carcano brass strippe...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to n********o.. for (22.50 + 3.38BP) = 25.88